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- Michael Ziegler
SEEK ID: https://effectnet-seek.bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de/people/23
Expertise: Not specified
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ORCID: Not specified
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Effect-Net is a multi- and transdisciplinary project that intends to generate a toolbox for multi-scale chemical effects as a basis for a holistic effect-based risk evaluation, and for sociocultural governance aiming at personal and political responsibility as well as a reduction of emissions of hazardous chemicals into aquatic environments. The focus is on the development of a multi-scale network for the identification and evaluation of the biological hazards posed by emerging high-consumption
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Salmo trutta, Planorbarius corneus, Danio rerio
All data from chemical and biological analyses will be used as sources of data for WP 9. It is not the purpose of Eff-Net to provide a tool to fully model the effects of carbohydrate metabolism-related and neurotoxic substances. Rather, in the sense of an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP [33]), the data pool will be analyzed for the suitability of lower scale data (e.g. receptor assay data) to predict the adverse outcome of the test substances at higher levels of organization (e.g. fish). In addition,
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
In contrast to WP 5, which addresses in vivo effects in early developmental stages of zebrafish as an established model organism in ecotoxicology, WP 6 will use one indigenous fish species and one species representative of invertebrates in order to verify and, thus, validate the data obtained with zebrafish and also those generated at the in vitro levels (WPs 3 and 4) with respect to their ecologi-cal relevance. Possible adverse effects of the test substances identified in WP 1 will be assessed
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Snapshots: No snapshots
Studies: brown trout larvae exposed to citalopram, brown trout larvae exposed to venlafaxine, juvenile brown trout exposed to citalopram, juvenile brown trout exposed to venlafaxine
Assays: B-esterase activity brown trout larvae + CIT, B-esterase activity brown trout larvae + VEN, B-esterase activity juvenile brown trout + CIT, B-esterase activity juvenile brown trout + VEN, Hsp70 level juvenile brown trout + CIT, Hsp70 level juvenile brown trout + VEN, SOD activity brown trout larvae + VEN, SOD activity juvenile brown trout + VEN, behaviour during exposure brown trout larvae + CIT, behaviour during exposure brown trout larvae + VEN, behaviour during exposure juvenile brown trout + CIT, behaviour during exposure juvenile brown trout + VEN, behaviour in stressful environment juvenile brown trout + VEN, behaviour in stressful environment brown trout larvae + CIT, behaviour in stressful environment brown trout larvae + VEN, behaviour in stressful environment juvenile brown trout + CIT, behaviour of big ramshorn snail + VEN, chemical analysis brown trout larvae + VEN, chemical analysis juvenile brown trout + VEN, cortisol content juvenile brown trout + CIT, cortisol content juvenile brown trout + VEN, hatching rate brown trout larvae + CIT, heart rate brown trout larvae + CIT, histopathology brown trout larvae + CIT, histopathology brown trout larvae + VEN, histopathology juvenile brown trout + CIT, histopathology juvenile brown trout + VEN, mortality brown trout larvae + CIT, mortality juvenile brown trout + VEN, mortality, heart rate and hatching rate brown trout larvae + VEN, tissue analysis brown trout larvae + CIT, tissue analysis juvenile brown trout + CIT, water analysis brown trout larvae + CIT, water analysis juvenile brown trout + CIT, weight and legth juvenile brown trout + CIT, weight and length brown trout larvae + CIT, weight and length brown trout larvae + VEN, weight and length juvenile brown trout + VEN
31.07.2018-23.08.2018; 0,1,10,100,1000 µg/L venlafaxine; 10Fish*3Replicate
Person responsible: Michael Ziegler
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Assays: B-esterase activity juvenile brown trout + VEN, Hsp70 level juvenile brown trout + VEN, SOD activity juvenile brown trout + VEN, behaviour during exposure juvenile brown trout + VEN, behaviour in stressful environment juvenile brown trout + VEN, chemical analysis juvenile brown trout + VEN, cortisol content juvenile brown trout + VEN, histopathology juvenile brown trout + VEN, mortality juvenile brown trout + VEN, weight and length juvenile brown trout + VEN
7°C: 15.01.2019-22.05.2019; 11°C 15.01.2019-29.04.2019; 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 µg/L Venlafaxine; 30Fish*3Replicate
Person responsible: Michael Ziegler
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Assays: B-esterase activity brown trout larvae + VEN, SOD activity brown trout larvae + VEN, behaviour during exposure brown trout larvae + VEN, behaviour in stressful environment brown trout larvae + VEN, chemical analysis brown trout larvae + VEN, histopathology brown trout larvae + VEN, mortality, heart rate and hatching rate brown trout larvae + VEN, weight and length brown trout larvae + VEN
0,1,10,100,1000 µg/L CIT
10 fish*3 replicates*5 treatments
Person responsible: Michael Ziegler
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Assays: B-esterase activity juvenile brown trout + CIT, Hsp70 level juvenile brown trout + CIT, behaviour during exposure juvenile brown trout + CIT, behaviour in stressful environment juvenile brown trout + CIT, cortisol content juvenile brown trout + CIT, histopathology juvenile brown trout + CIT, tissue analysis juvenile brown trout + CIT, water analysis juvenile brown trout + CIT, weight and legth juvenile brown trout + CIT
11°C 28.12.2016-13.04.2017
7°C 28.12.2016-11.05.2017
0,1,10,100,1000 µg/L
30 fish*3 replicates*5 treatments
Person responsible: Michael Ziegler
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Assays: B-esterase activity brown trout larvae + CIT, behaviour during exposure brown trout larvae + CIT, behaviour in stressful environment brown trout larvae + CIT, hatching rate brown trout larvae + CIT, heart rate brown trout larvae + CIT, histopathology brown trout larvae + CIT, mortality brown trout larvae + CIT, tissue analysis brown trout larvae + CIT, water analysis brown trout larvae + CIT, weight and length brown trout larvae + CIT
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Assay type: Verhalten
Technology type: Technology Type
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Study: 1 hidden item
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: 1 hidden item
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Study: brown trout larvae exposed to venlafaxine
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: liver histopathology brown trout larvae and juv...
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Study: brown trout larvae exposed to venlafaxine
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: B-esterase activity brown trout larvae and juve...
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Study: brown trout larvae exposed to venlafaxine
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: SOD activity brown trout larvae and juveniles +...
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Study: juvenile brown trout exposed to venlafaxine
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: SOD activity brown trout larvae and juveniles +...
Creator: Michael Ziegler
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Investigations: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Creator: Michael Ziegler
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Investigations: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Creator: Michael Ziegler
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Investigations: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Creator: Michael Ziegler
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Investigations: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Creator: Michael Ziegler
Contributor: Michael Ziegler
Investigations: In vivo effects of Antidepressants
Authors: Michael Ziegler, Michel Banet, Rebecca Bauer, Heinz-R. Köhler, Sabine Stepinski, Selina Tisler, Carolin Huhn, Christian Zwiener, Rita Triebskorn
Date Published: 21st Jan 2021
Journal: Front. Environ. Sci.
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.586584
Citation: Front. Environ. Sci. 8 : 133
Authors: Michael Ziegler, Helene Eckstein, Shannon Ottmann, Lukas Reinelt, Sabine Stepinski, Heinz-R. Köhler, Rita Triebskorn
Date Published: 1st Dec 2020
Journal: Environ Sci Eur
DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00437-z
Citation: Environ Sci Eur 32(1) : 134
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Michael Ziegler, Sarah Knoll, H. R. Kohler, Selina Tisler, Carolin Huhn, Christian Zwiener, Rita Triebskorn
Date Published: 24th Mar 2020
Journal: PeerJ
PubMed ID: 32201650
Citation: PeerJ. 2020 Mar 12;8:e8765. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8765. eCollection 2020.