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- Diskursnetzwerkanalyse Deutschland
Zur Erfassung der beteiligten Akteure, Organisationen und den verwendeten Argumenten wurde eine Diskursnetzwerkanalyse durchgeführt.
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Created: 5th Jun 2019 at 09:43
Last updated: 23rd Oct 2019 at 14:55
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Projects: Effect-Net, WP 9: Data management, aggregation and analysis, WP 1: Chemical analyses of test substances in water and biota and bioanalytics of stress response, WP 5: In vivo effects in model fish embryos and larvae, WP 6: In vivo effects in ecologically relevant biota, WP 7: Community-relevant effects, WP 8: Tool boxes for effect-based risk assessment, WP 2: Generation and characterization of metabolites, WP 3: In vitro effects 1: Receptor binding in non-cellular systems, WP 4: In vitro effects 2: Fish cells, WP 10: Mapping of the actors involved in the evaluation of biological hazards in aquatic ecosystems, WP 11: Actor perceptions and elaboration of guidelines and recommendations
Institutions: Universität Heidelberg
Projects: Effect-Net, WP 10: Mapping of the actors involved in the evaluation of biological hazards in aquatic ecosystems, WP 11: Actor perceptions and elaboration of guidelines and recommendations
Institutions: Universität Heidelberg
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5377-8826Roles: PhD Student
Expertise: Governance
The objectives of WP 10 are to prepare the ground for WP 11, which seeks to assess how the key actors perceive biological hazards in aquatic ecosystems. Before these insights can be provided – and guidelines for changing the actors’ perceptions and actions produced –, the actors involved in the evaluation of biological hazards in aquatic ecosystems must be identified, which represents the objective of this WP. The proceeding outline here corresponds to the approach developed by Lang and Tosun
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
Die Datengrundlage zur Durchführung einer Diskursnetzwerkanalyse bildeten Artikel aus einer überregionalen Zeitung (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - FAZ) und jeweils mindestens einer regionalen Zeitung je Bundesland.
Person responsible: Simon Schaub
Snapshots: No snapshots
Investigation: Diskursnetzwerkanalyse Deutschland
Assays: No Assays
Die Karte gibt einen Überblick über die in den einzelnen Bundesländern ausgewählten Zeitungen
Creators: Simon Schaub, Andreas Fleig
Contributor: Renate Kania
Investigations: Diskursnetzwerkanalyse Deutschland
Studies: Datengrundlage Diskursnetzwerkanalyse
Assays: 1 hidden item
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Simon Schaub, Florence Metz
Date Published: 2nd Jun 2020
Journal: PaG
Citation: PaG 8(2) : 184
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Simon Schaub, Thomas Braunbeck
Date Published: 1st Dec 2020
Journal: Environ Sci Eur
DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00423-5
Citation: Environ Sci Eur 32(1) : 107