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- Thomas Schwartz
SEEK ID: https://effectnet-seek.bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de/people/13
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Given that the ultimate goal of ecotoxicology is the identification of effects at the population and ecosystem levels, microbial communities were picked for reasons of their supreme importance in the environment. Two microbial communities (intestinal microbiomes and environmental microbial biofilms) will be investigated with respect to effects by the test substances (cf. WPs 1 and 2). The intestinal biofilm population shifts may be responsible for the health status of the aquatic organisms, whereas
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Effect-Net is a multi- and transdisciplinary project that intends to generate a toolbox for multi-scale chemical effects as a basis for a holistic effect-based risk evaluation, and for sociocultural governance aiming at personal and political responsibility as well as a reduction of emissions of hazardous chemicals into aquatic environments. The focus is on the development of a multi-scale network for the identification and evaluation of the biological hazards posed by emerging high-consumption
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Organisms: Salmo trutta, Planorbarius corneus, Danio rerio
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Eike Rogall, Thomas Schwartz, Stefanie Jacob, Rita Triebskorn
Date Published: 22nd Apr 2020
Journal: Environmental Sciences Europe
DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00341-6
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Stefanie Jacob, A. Dotsch, Sarah Knoll, H. R. Kohler, Eike Rogall, D. Stoll, Selina Tisler, Carolin Huhn, Thomas Schwartz, Christian Zwiener, Rita Triebskorn
Date Published: 2019
Journal: Environ Sci Eur
PubMed ID: 30595998
Citation: Environ Sci Eur. 2018;30(1):48. doi: 10.1186/s12302-018-0179-4. Epub 2018 Dec 7.